FIXP Routine
The next entry after the first INIT Routine should be a FIXP entry, which defines the co-ordinates of a point.
The point number is entered under the unknown point number,
and the East and North co-ordinates entered under the distance column of course A and B respectively.
Any number of points may be specified under the one FIXP heading.
The only restriction on co-ordinates is that a Easting co-ordinate should never be equal to 123456789.0
XY Data Point Record Col
Record Type 02 1
Routine FIXP 2
Point Number ____ 3
____ 4
_______ 5
_ 6
Easting __________ 7
_ 8
____ 9
____ 10
____ 11
_______ 12
_ 13
Northing __________ 14
_ 15
____ 16
____ 17
____ 18